Stainless Steel Push-In Fittings (Viton Seal)
SM Male Pipe

SM Male Pipe With Viton Seal Oring

SF Female Pipe

SFBH Female Pipe Bulkhead

SU Union

SU Reduce Union

SUBH Union Bulkhead

SUBHF Union Bulkhead Full Thread

SUD Union With Compression

SUDBH Union With Compression Bulkhead

SLS Male Thread Elbow Swivel

SLS Male Thread Elbow Swivel Viton O-ring

SLF Female Thread Elbow

SUL Elbow Union

SRTS Run Tee Swivel Male Pipe

SBTS Branch Tee Swivel Male Thread

SUT Union Tee

SUY Union Y

SUX Union Cross

SFC Stainless Steel Flow Controller